I know some about the NBA star thing, a lot of people still don't know these things. This is very important.It is a situation that is difficult to explain. NBA players just don’t get it. No longer is it about winning tradition, great coaching and a passionate fan base to these players. The Association has instead become a gathering of superstars in the next best place to party.

Many things are we don't know. So we all want to know. About some of the things that they like sports.Out of nowhere, the Los Angeles Clippers, Miami Heat and Nets have become hot spots not because of what these cities bring from a basketball standpoint, but the off-the-court attractions these destinations provide.

This is we have to consider some of the things. We all know that this is very important.Never in a million years would Lebron James, Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh tag team in Cleveland or Toronto, because Canada is always cold and Cleveland is simply dumpy, bland and downright boring.

I have long debated why the desire to establish “super teams” has become so prominent in the league. Sure, it’s much easier to win a title, but I always asked myself “where is the pride from these players to want to win as the leader of their team?”

However, I think there is more to the situation than that, and it’s only prominent in the NBA. The players would rather play near a beach, for a rapper or on the red carpet instead of actually making basketball-related decisions.